Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My room

This is my badroom. This is a small room, but have many things. First go inside, in your left side, you can see my blue king bed, and you can see three baggage before the bed. In your right side is a table and a red chair. Next on the table you can see many clothes. My room is very chaos. I think don't have people want to go in.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The inside of the taxicab was dirty

a. Inside of the taxicab had many garbage.

b. Inside of the taxicab was very old.

c. Inside of the taxicab was very wastes.


Carl is a bad driver

a. He drive very fast.

b. He don't look the communication condition.

c. He alway drink alcohol befor his drive.

d. He alway tell with his frined when his drive.

My boss has a ince house

a. His house have a big garden.

b. His house have six big bedroom, all badroom have a washroom.

c. His house have a big siwmmg pool.

d. His house have a big band room of music.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Soccer Dream

When I was twelve yaers old, I had a objeective in my life. I love soccer, when I was twelve yaers old, I'm went to play soccer game with my friends, It's a exciting game I love it. Hence I go to play soccer everyday. I play in a school team, I enhance my soccer skill everyday. Because my dream is play in England Liverpool Soccer Team. I know it's very difficult, but I don't want to give up. So when I came to Canada I usually enhance my soccer skill. I believe I will have a chance to go to England, and chance to go in a Liverpool Scooer Tame. To achievement my difficult soccer dream.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Fail a Driving Test

It's easy to fail a driving test if you really try. First, park your car so close to the next car that the examiner cannot get into your to begin the test. It also helps to have your two

My Brother, the Sports Fan

My brother Bob is a sports fan. His favorite sports, are golf, tennis, skiing and swimming. He skis in the winter, swims in the summer and play golf during, the spring summer and fall. He also watches football and baseball on TV. His bedroom looks like a used sporting goods store. Bob owns skis, tennis racquets, golf clubs, football, basketballs, baseballs, tennis balls, soccer balls, a bicycle and weights. Whenever he comes home from a sportsevent, he throws his equipment in a pile, on his bed. When the pile gets too high, you don't see his bed, his desk or sometimes even him.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to Get A in English

It's easy to get A in English if you follow these simple directions. First don't miss all class and don't be late. Then take heed a teacher talk about what, if have question you need go to ask the teacher get help. Finally twhen you get back home, you need study again and remember. If you follow these simple directions, you will get a good results .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to Wax a Car

Keep your car looking great by follow ing these easy steps to wax it. First Park your car in a cool, shady spot. Next work on one section at a time, and rub the wax into the car in small circles. Then wash and dry the car thoroughly and polish the car with a soft cloth to remove any remaining wax and to bring out the shine. Second, dip a damp sponge into a can of wax. After you have put wax on the entire car, start to remove it, section by section. Finally use a soft towel to remove the wax in the same order that you applied it.

How to Drive Your Teacher Crazy

It's easy tp drive your teacher crazy if you follow these simple directions. First, always come to class at least five minutes late. Next make a lot of noise when you enter the classroom. Then yawn and look at your watch as often as possible during the class. Finally, at least five minutes before the end of class, slanm your books shut and stare at the door.

How to Prevent Jet Lag

Frequent flyers recommend these steps to prevent jet lag. Eat a high-carbohydrate meal before your flight. Scond ed early your first night in the new time zone. Don't drink alcohol or coffee during the flight and don't nap during the day when you arrive.